Monday, 22 April 2013

How to Optimize Your Landing Pages for Long-Term Lead Generation

The Page Title

The most important component for any on-page SEO is the title of that page. The page title gives the description of the webpage that you see at the top of the browser or in the tabs.
page title
The correct page title can effective indicate what the content on that given page is about, to search engines. They are also a few key components that you can consider while creating page titles for your landing pages:
·        Keep it short – Search engines mostly only show the first 60 characters in search results and so your page title shouldn’t be the complete title of the content or offer that you are promoting website. Instead, focus on keywords by eliminating any unnecessary words. But be sure that it is still easy to read and is clear in conveying what the content of that page is about.
·        Use high-quality keywords first – Search engines give more importance to keywords that are placed closer to the left of the page title. Because of this, you should begin your page title with the most important keywords first and put the less important ones later.

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